
Have this information ready when you contact us to get your Merchant access credentials.

  1. Environment URL's: Provide your ecommerce URLs for Sandbox and Production.
  2. Logo URL: Provide the source of your business logo on your ecommerce site. The URL link from your content delivery network (CDN).
  3. Merchant Category Code (MCC): Provide your four-digit MCC that classifies your business by purpose. This helps Progressive ensure our virtual cards are supported for your integration.
  4. Product Inventory: Provide a listing of the products, categories and services you offer. Progressive Leasing will review the listing to determine any leasability restrictions or limitations. This means Progressive Leasing will do the work and configure Connect to determine leasable or non-leasable goods and services at an item or category level. This helps us provide your customers the best possible experience when presenting final lease-to-own pricing.

You can always ask us to review which product categories or individual items should be considered leasable.

Need more help?

Check out the Connect Recipe, our developer instructions for component installation.

Recipe & Developer Instructions

Review the Recipe side-by-side with the Configuration guide to speed up software installation.

What’s Next

Check out the Configuration guide to ensure your setup is complete.