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Install the ChargeAfter Plugin

  1. Download the latest version of ChargeAfter Financing Module.

  2. Go to NopCommerce Admin > Configuration > Local Plugins:

  3. Click the Upload plugin or theme button > select plugin zip:

  4. Click the Upload plugin button to upload zip file to server

  5. In the plugin filter, select "Payment methods" and for the ChargeAfter Consumer Financing plugin, click Install:

  6. On the top panel, click the Restart application to apply changes button to finish the installation

  7. You're done!


  1. Go to NopCommerce Admin > Configuration > Local Plugins

  2. In the plugin filter, select "Payment methods" and for the ChargeAfter Consumer Financing plugin, click the Configure button:

  3. Scroll to the Payment section > provide your ChargeAfter keys:

  4. Go to Configuration > Payment Methods > on the ChargeAfter Consumer Financing method, click Edit:

  5. Select / activate the field "Is active" > Update

  6. Set Friendly Name to "Progressive Leasing"

  7. You're done!



Pay attention to the "Use Production" setting. Use this option to use your payment method - do not leave it enabled for testing.