Integrating ThreatMetrix
What is ThreatMetrix
ThreatMetrix (also known as TM) is an industry-standard technology that monitors for and prevents fraud. TM uses anonymized customer browsing behaviors and anomaly detection to find potential bad actors and report those back to Progressive Leasing. You can read more about ThreatMetrix at
Core features this solution provides:
An extensive network—The LexisNexis Digital Identity Network leverages massive amounts of data from about 3 billion monthly transactions.
All-inclusive solution—Get powerful fraud and authentication decisioning across all use cases and throughout the customer journey from new account registration and onboarding to every transaction that follows.
Clear visibility into digital identities—By combining a unique identifier, a confidence score and a visualization graph, you gain comprehensive insight into a customer across all channels and touchpoints.
Integrated approach—When you incorporate real-time event and session data, third-party signals, and global intelligence into a single smart authentication framework, the result is a seamless, low-friction experience for the customer.
Advanced behavioral analytics and machine learning—The analysis of dynamic user behavior helps to build more accurate risk models, resulting in fewer false positives and the lowest possible fraud levels.
Privacy—Using tokenization, you get a dynamic risk assessment of identities while ensuring customer data remains confidential.
Fast, easy deployment—A cloud-based solution, it provides simple and straightforward integration with existing systems.

How Progressive Leasing uses ThreatMetrix data
Progressive Leasing uses ThreatMetrix in our decisioning process to ensure that we are not letting bad actors get through the flow. TM data is combined with a number of other signals by Progressive Leasing's decisioning engine to optimize for successful lease outcomes.

How can I implement ThreatMetrix?
ThreatMetrix is a cloud-hosted solution and allows for easy integration through their JavaScript snippet that can be referenced on your website. You can add the script below on your page where you would like TM to start collecting user information. (E.g., Collection of user information for Progressive Leasing LTO offering)
<script type="text/javascript" src="{config.threatMetrixId|uc}"></script>
When you are ready to submit an application to the Progressive Commerce API for a decision, make sure you pass the additional parameter called “threatMetrixId” in all requests where it is present
Frequently asked questions
Do I need to have my own ThreatMetrix OrgId?
It is recommended that you use the Progressive OrgId to integrate with ThreatMetrix. To set up ThreatMetrix with your organization please contact your implementation specialist.
Updated almost 3 years ago